Welcome to the
Your Local Connection
Located in the heart of the residential areas of Christmas Island, the Centre is open to the public for general business 8am to 2pm Mondays to Fridays, Christmas Island time. The Centre provides information to link you with the local community and local services and is the hub for Goverment Information Access.
The Centre is located at the Old Technical School building, 1 Lister Place Poon Saan, Christmas Island.
About Us
Originally opened in 1997, as the Christmas Island Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated, the purpose of the organisation was to be involved in fostering community-based learning, in which community members shared responsibility for programming, organisation and the management of the activities, and to promote and strengthen positive relationships between the different ethnic groups on Christmas Island.
Throughout the years, the organization had paved the way for the forming of a variety of associations which still successfully operate until today, which include the Christmas Island Arts & Culture, the Christmas Island Day Care, and the Christmas Island Charities, whom have now become their own legal entities – and initiatives such as the "ReCIcle"Project, the Op Shop, the Toy Library, and the Community Garden.
In 2018, the Centre had changed its model due to a change in the Service Delivery Agreement provided for the Indian Ocean Territories, and thus began to trade as the Christmas Island Community Resource Centre. The purpose of the Community Resource Centre is to be the hub for the access to government information and community information, and to undertake community, business and economic development activities.
To date the organisation operates under these objectives:
To provide educational and cultural opportunities in response to community needs.
To promote and strengthen positive relationships between different cultural groups.
To promote the well-being and care of individuals, families and children ensuring equal access for all.
To create an environment in which personal and community development can take place in a friendly neighbourhood context breaking down barriers and isolation.
To allow community members to contribute to programming, organisation and management.
Key Stakeholders
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Indian Ocean Territories Administration Office - Christmas island
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and
Communications -
Office of the Administrator - Christmas Island
Shire of Christmas Island
Indian Ocean Territories Health Service
Christmas Island District High School
State Government Agencies with IOT Service Delivery Agreements
Local Small Businesses
Local Not For Profit Organisations and Associations
Christmas Island Community Groups
About Christmas Island
The Island, People and Culture
Christmas Island is an Australian external territory, known as the Indian Ocean Territories, and is located in the Indian Ocean, around 350 kilometres (220 mi) south of Java and around 1,550 kilometres (960 mi) north-west of the closest point on the Australian mainland.
The culture of Christmas Island is unique, for people of many different ethnicities inhabit the area. Historically, the majority of Christmas Islanders were those of Chinese, Malay, and Indian origins, the initial permanent settlers; as a result, they have significantly influenced the local culture. Today, the majority of residents are Chinese, with significant numbers of European Australians and Malays as well as smaller Indian, Eurasian communities too. The main languages of Christmas Island are English, Malay and Chinese. Religious beliefs are diverse and include Islam, Christianity, Catholism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. There is a mosque, a Catholic church, a Bahá'í centre, a number of Chinese temples, as well Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian places of worship on the island. There are many religious festivals celebrated on the island, such as Chinese New Year, Cap Goh Mei, Mooncake Festival, Hari Raya, Hari Raya Haji, Christmas and Easter. Aside from religious celebrations, Christmas Island also celebrates it's identity with events like Territory Day - the celebration of Christmas Island becoming part of Australia.
Up-coming CRC Activities
The CI Emergency Management Committee has announced that public gatherings are allowed of up to 100 people at a venue. We are now planning your COMMUNITY EVENTS that we all love!
Keep a look out for our event adverts on the Islander and social media.
Please do respect our event rules as we try to make the events as safe as possible, following the COVID-19 Safety Plan.
The CICRC team wishes you all stay safe, healthy and out of harms way.
Friday 31st - CICRC Open House, Hari Raya. "Grand opening of the new and improved CRC"
Venue: Old Tech School
Start: 6pm
Sunday 27th - Casino To Cove Run (Mini CI Marathon)
Starting point at CI Resort, Finish line at the Cove
Starts: 8am
This event To Be Confirmed
Come visit us and we'll help you build
your network with the islanders
CICRC office hours: Mondays - Fridays 8am to 2pm
Op Shop hours: Mondays - Fridays 9am to 12pm
Saturdays & Sundays 10am to 12pm
UPDATE: Op Shop now open Mondays to Thursdays as regular hours and Saturdays are by APPOINTMENT ONLY, until further notice.
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Contact Us
Christmas Island Community Resource Centre is your local community centre. Let us know what we can do for you.
Contact us on
Phone: +618 9164 7249
Mobile: +61487 195 633
Email: christmasislandcrc@gmail.com
Old Tech School, 1 Lister Place Poon Saan, Christmas Island 6798